Adviceline Freephone
0808 278 7808
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Become a Trustee

The charity is directed by its Board of Trustees, which meets regularly to monitor the activities of the charity, review its procedures and set the overall strategies and vision that guide future operations.

The Board uses data-driven approaches with key performance indicators to assess the success of projects and guide decisions.

The trustees consist of volunteers who bring a diverse range of experiences and skills to the table, along with non-voting representatives of the charity’s employees and volunteers, and patrons of the charity.

Our Chair is Antoinette Jackson. She joins us after working for many years in local government.  Her most recent appointment up until October 2020 was as the Chief Executive of Cambridge City Council.  She also acts as a Trustee with Arthur Rank Hospice Charity and is on the management committee of Kettles Yard house and gallery.

Other trustees on the Board bring expertise in health and social care policy issues, charity management and strategy, law and finance, as well as valuable contacts with relevant local charities, such as the Cambridge City Foodbank.

Find out who the current Trustees and Representatives on the Board are on our Who We Are page.

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